Spiritual Warfare, Heaven, healing
& the Power of Prayer

training people to activate their faith

The Active Faith Team

We educate people on the power of the word of God,

to reveal the strategies of the enemies of God,

to unveil the spiritual weapons from God,

to give hope to the people of God,

all for the glory of God.

Providing education, training & support about Heaven, healing & Spiritual Warfare around the globe.

It’s just a plastic tent stake – but with the Word of God it becomes a powerful weapon.

Take an active step in your battle and stake the borders of your property or community and government buildings in your area. This act faithfully calls out for God to bless the land and rescue His people. And it is a declaration that the land was created by Him, still belongs to Him, and exists for His purposes today.

This activation of faith for a Christian is like that of the Jews in Deuteronomy 6:8-9.

What Are The Stakes?

God Markers on the Land

Steve’s journey learning about spiritual warfare got serious when a non-Christian man came to him with a problem: he said he had demons on his property. Steve didn’t know how to respond, so he prayed about how to respond. That prayer led Steve to Deuteronomy 6 that instructed God’s people to put Scripture on their gates and doorposts. So Steve & this non-Christian man (who was desperate for help) put Bible verses on ordinary tent stakes. Then they placed these stakes in the ground on the corners of this man’s property, read the verses out loud, and prayed for God’s protection. (See the full testimony here).

Everything changed. The demons left, and the man confessed Jesus as Lord, was baptized, and is now living faithfully in peace and safety as a Christian. Others heard about this event and copied this idea, and Spiritual Warfare Stakes became a tool of faith spreading across the globe.

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Active-faith online courses

Ignite Your Faith & Stake Your Claim

Active-Faith provides different growth opportunities for the body of Christ.

  • Demons vs Prayer | How can you fight what you can’t see? This free seminar takes us into the authority of the Word of God and how we can execute it with precision to fight an unseen enemy.

  • The Real Heaven | This seminar is all about Heaven and what the Bible says about our eternal life. You will have myths dispelled and new truths revealed about the ultimate goal for every believer -- HEAVEN!

  • Prayers Satan Hates | This small group study is designed with a guide in alignment with My Search for Prayers Satan Hates. Our goal is to spur conversation on the topic of Spiritual Warfare. A free, downloadable pdf transcript of each video is available below for free under Handouts.

  • Soul Wound Healing |This seminar is designed to complete one-on-one or with a group. It addresses the soul, how the soul is wounded, and how to heal the wounds.

Bring Steve Hemphill to Your Event

Conferences, Workshops, and Private Events

There is no charge to bring Active-Faith speakers to your event or training. We ask only for provision or reimbursement for travel and accommodations. As well, we ask that you provide space and opportunity for us to sell books and stakes.

Steve Hemphill is a passionate speaker, teacher, and author. After many years in the study of scripture and his ability to teach through story-telling, Steve is a popular speaker and teacher for every age group.

Click below to learn more about getting Steve to your event!

Steve Hemphill is a passionate speaker, teacher, and author. After many years in the study of scripture and his ability to teach through story-telling, Steve is a popular speaker and teacher for every age group.

Click below to learn more about getting Steve to your event!

Bring DR. CHARLI to Your Event

Conferences, Workshops, and Private Events

Charli Caraway is a passionate speaker, teacher, and author. After years of leadership in academia, ministry and in a blended family, Charli's humor and transparency about learning to live through the Word of God is refreshing and provoking.

Click below to learn more about getting Dr. Charli to your event!

Active Faith Podcasts with

Steve & Dr. CHarli

Man caught in spiritual warfare

Bill Was Planning Suicide

August 14, 20240 min read

Bill was not a Christian, and he had been mad at God for many years. He began having strange things happen at night on his property. This was SO disturbing, that he was planning his own suicide when I met him. But God gave me a verse and an idea, and everything change. Bill became a believer, and wanted to be baptized. Now he prays for me every day. https://active-faith.org/donate

To hear more episodes or to take one of our

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Steve Hemphill

Steve Hemphill was born and raised in the small, Central Texas town of Mason. He graduated Abilene Christian University with a marketing degree in 1979. He put that talent to work by establishing and running his own technology company in the Northeast Texas area for 28 years. He built that business to 35 employees and $6 million in annual revenue before becoming the author of My Search for the Real Heaven. Steve began traveling and speaking all over the country on Heaven. This led to a second book, My Search for Prayers Satan Hates, which focused on spiritual warfare and the power of prayer. Through his growth in understanding of spiritual warfare and the implementation of “staking” the land, Steve has now published What Are The Stakes?, and 12 Spiritual Weapons. The last two books have been published in Spanish. Steve also published his first children's book about bad dreams called "Dante's Hairy Scary Dream." Steve shifted from business into full-time ministry in 2009. Steve has spoken in 3 countries, 31 states and hundreds of cities since becoming an author and teacher. He has a passion for ministry and people, and loves to share his “God Stories.” His prayer is to teach people about spiritual warfare, Heaven, and the power of of prayer.

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