WHat are the Stakes?

one little act of faith that became a movement

Why Should Christians Stake the Land?

God’s Word is powerful! In the beginning, God spoke the earth into existence. Throughout the Bible, the power of His words healed the sick and performed miracles. And it is by His Word in the Scriptures that He continues to work and speak to His people today. The act of staking the borders of a property is not magical, nor is it a talisman or superstition. There is nothing special about a stake in itself, nor the person who is driving a stake into the ground. It is the act of marking the land with scripture that is a symbol of faithfulness and submission to God’s authority – a calling out to God to bless the land and rescue His people. It is a declaration that it was created by Him, still belongs to Him, and exists solely for His purposes today.

  • PROPHETIC ACT - Staking the land is a prophetic act. It points to a future of goodness and righteousness to replace evil and disobedience. It sets land aside in dedication to God, giving Him dominion through Jesus.

  • A SYMBOL - In the Greek, “cross” means “stake.” The Complete Jewish Bible says they hung Jesus on an “execution-stake.” When you stake land, you’re placing symbols of the device used to orchestrate salvation. Scriptures add power to that symbol representing your covenant with God. Jews were commanded to do this in Deuteronomy 6. They put God’s Word on their bodies and property, including gates and door posts.

Staking Your City, County, or Province?

Contact our Team About Your Project

We have ready-to-use resources for staking a city! If you’d like to know more about staking your city, county, or province, please contact us at [email protected].

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Get Your 'Stake Your Land' Guide In Your Preferred Language

The Active-Faith Team wants to provide resources to all nations that will assist in staking the world with the Word of God! Get your copy of the “How to Stake Your Property” brochure.

If you do not see the brochure interpreted into the language you need, please contact us at [email protected] . We will work with you to get it translated!

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GET YOUR 'What Are The Stakes' BOOK

English Edition

Steve’s journey learning about spiritual warfare got serious when a non-Christian man came to him with a problem: he said he had demons on his property. Steve didn’t know how to respond, so he silently prayed as the man talked. After the quick prayer, Steve had a strange verse pop into his head from Deuteronomy 6 that instructed God’s people to put Scripture on their gates and doorposts. So Steve & this non-Christian man who was desperate for help put Bible verses on ordinary tent stakes. Then they placed these stakes in the ground on the corners of this man’s property, read the verses out loud, and prayed for God’s protection. Everything changed. The man confessed Jesus as Lord, was baptized, and is now living faithfully in peace and safety as a Christian. Others heard about this event and copied this idea, and Spiritual Warfare Stakes became a tool of faith spreading across the globe. Would you like to become part of the movement?

Spanish Edition

El viaje de Steve para aprender sobre la guerra espiritual se volvió serio cuando un hombre no cristiano se le acercó con un problema: dijo que tenía demonios en su propiedad. Steve no sabía cómo responder, así que oró en silencio mientras el hombre hablaba. Después de la rápida oración, a Steve se le ocurrió un extraño versículo de Deuteronomio 6 que instruía al pueblo de Dios a poner las Escrituras en sus puertas y postes. Así que Steve y este hombre no cristiano que estaba desesperado por ayuda colocaron versículos de la Biblia en estacas comunes y corrientes. Luego colocaron estas estacas en el suelo en las esquinas de la propiedad de este hombre, leyeron los versículos en voz alta y oraron pidiendo la protección de Dios. Todo cambió. El hombre confesó a Jesús como Señor, fue bautizado y ahora vive fielmente en paz y seguridad como cristiano. Otros se enteraron de este evento y copiaron esta idea, y así nació Spiritual Warfare Stakes.

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